Few rooms – plenty of relaxation – Adults only boutique hotel in South Tyrol

Address: Stofls 1 - 39040 Villanders
Tel. +39 0472 843207
E-Mail: info@pension-erlacher.com
Web: www.pension-erlacher.com
VAT-ID: 02578930212 

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Niederstätter Michael

General terms and conditions of guest card

Upon completion of the accommodation contract, the Südtirol Alto Adige Guest Pass (consequently Guest Pass) will be issued to the guest, which according to the decision of the South Tyrolean regional government No. 732/2022, is valid for the entire duration of their stay as well as from 0:00 on the day of arrival unto 24:00 on the day of departure.

The Guest Pass includes the use of all public transport within the “südtirolmobil” network area as well as additional services, which vary depending on the tourism organization. Detailed information can be found at: suedtirol-guestpass.info

The sole entity carrying the Guest Pass in South Tyrol is the Mobilitätskonsortium, appointed as the unified coordination point in accordance with the above decision of the South Tyrolean regional government by the Provincial Association of Tourism Organizations of South Tyrol on November 16, 2022.The details of the additional services associated with the Guest Pass and the conditions of use of the Guest Pass are communicated by the third party responsible for issuing and managing the Guest Pass. Detailed information is available at: suedtirol guestpass.info


Guest card data protection

The personal data provided will be transmitted to the single coordinating body of the Guest Pass in order to enable the creation and use of the Guest Pass and to provide the associated services.

In connection with the issue of the Guest Pass, your data will be transmitted to the Mobilitätskonsortium, VAT Nr. 02735170215, which acts as the cardholder and unified coordinating body and assumes the role of autonomous data controller in processing the transferred data. For further information regarding the processing to which the data will be subjected, you can send an email to privacy@moko.bz.it.

Legal basis
The legal basis for processing is Art. 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR.

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